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New & Returned Users

  • 4 November 2022
  • 3 replies

Hi all,

I’m looking to implement a Product Engagement Score (more from Pendo here). I’m struggling to get to a cohort of New & Returned users by month. Tried creating a query in QB with the following info:

But I don’t believe that data is accurate is it’s always going to backload to the most recent month. 

Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

@mwigozki ,


Did you get a chance to review the user retention analysis feature in PX?
Does this help you to achieve the use case mentioned above?

Please review the above link and let me know if this helps!



Dileep Nalla

Thanks for posting to PX Community @mwigozki!


The “Product Engagement Score (PES)” looks like a simple Gainsight Customer Success (CS) Scorecard Measure calculation to me based on 3 metrics.  This should be easy to reproduce inside our CS platform using the comprehensive users, accounts, and usage data that is pulled from Gainsight PX.


As you probably know, PX does not support these types of custom calculations directly.  But, you can definitely use the insights from many of the powerful PX Analytics such as the following:.


For “Core Events”, try using the Feature Performance and Feature KPI widgets to get some good insights.

For “Stickiness”, try using the Stickiness Ratio widget (last 30 days), Average Session Duration widget, or Retention Reports for longer Analysis and insights.

For “New & Returned users by month”, try using the the Active Users and Active Accounts widgets to get the counts, trends, or even KPIs.  The Retention reports are a great way to track Users/Accounts returning to the application and also to specific Features.

For “Not Active Users and Accounts”, try using Audience and Accounts Explorer to get the counts of Users and Accounts that were last seen more than X (e.g. 30) days ago less than Y (e.g. 60) days ago. 


Happy PX-ing!!!



Thanks @dileepnalla. I did check out the retention chart and it’s not sufficient as lots of metrics are missing.

@link_black - is there an S3 export we can enable? I don’t have access to CS and it would be awesome to be able to just viz the data out of the export rather than having to cobble all of those reports together. Though thank you for pointing me to all of the different places to get the data from.  
