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  • 31 January 2023
  • 0 replies


Time flies. It’s like yesterday that we started with the PLG series; today, we are almost at the tenth use case and into the last phase of the PLG FLYWHEEL MOMENTUM.




Experimentation is something that we should all own and start things off from ideation to execution in a lean way. It saves time, and at the same time, we can find the exact market fit of the feature we will release or evaluate the user experience we aim for with a specific cohort under observation.


In PX, we can quickly start experimenting by playing with audience rules and schedule settings; however, before executing things right away, we should reflect on the process of experimentation we are opting for. Otherwise, we will set up wrong assumptions as the hypothesis and skew results with biased execution.


We have set up this session on Experimentation, where you can learn everything you need to know to get started. Learn from our subject matter experts how experimentation can be viewed from the lens of PX by joining our session on Feb 1.





As we integrated our NPS survey into slack and saw the comments popping up in our dedicated NPS Slack channel, we used to find the majority of the support tickets could be self-served. Like basic things on where to see what kind of info, how to set up something from the start, and similar.


Our own KC bot takes the heavy lift on handling these responses to self-serve customers; there are many ways one could achieve support deflection via self-serve adoption routes that need to be explored or discovered. Join our subject matter experts on Feb 8th to find your way to achieve support deflection with PX. 



We are more than excited for the next release if I share a few spoilers - the ability to open a particular article in the KC bot from dialog CTA is a game-changer. Not just that, the new dashboard UI and the way the KPIs are grouped to address different reporting purposes will blow your mind. 


So, we invite you to this exclusive release webinar to learn the new things coming up with PX, and we are more than excited to show everything we have for you. 



We have something else as well lined up for you this February. This valentine you can engage your new team members with the newly set up Instructor-Led virtual training on PX.

Anyone who joined PX recently and wants to get up to speed quickly with some guidance and hands-on learning can opt for this program and test your fingers with magical executions on PX. Do enroll for this cohort if this information resonates with you or share with anyone who might need this training. 



Happy PX-ing!

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