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TOTW: So You're About to Release a New UI... what about PX?

  • 21 January 2020
  • 1 reply

Picture this scenario: you’ve instrumented PX, you’re getting lots of great data and launching sweet engagements. That PX life is good. But wait… you’re releasing a new UI soon! What does that mean for everything you’ve built in PX? Will you be able to get data on the impact of the UI change on other KPIs? If this sounds relevant to you, keep reading. 

Note: the core of this content is thanks to our very own CTO of PX, @mickey, so you know it’s good stuff! 


Launching a new UI usually is done side by side with decommissioning the old UI.

One piece of advice is to use GlobalContext and pass the uiVersion so you can use engagements and measure retention from the point in time the new UI was changed.

With regards to the Product Mapper - it depends on what you want to achieve with analytics/engagements moving forward (especially analytics).

Option I

  • Within the same mapped feature, add another mapping rule so the feature and structure stays the same and it's agnostic to the change

Option II

  • Create a new root branch module or let the Instant Mapper discover the new UI, but have it under a new root module so it's easy to reference in analytics and engagements
  • If the new/old will continue to live side by side and the user can switch back and forth, then it's best to go with Option II

In both cases - adding GlobalContext will help you identify the point in time and compare improvements. If you use only a user attribute (new version/old version), you will not be able to identify the point in time that the change happened and won't be able to compare usage.

On that note - you can also connect GlobalContext to the feature flag mechanism, as described in this doc.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Thanks for writing these recommendations up, Julie!
