Using PX for Core Web Vitals (DOM / PageSpeed / Performance) tracking?

  • 15 February 2024
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 3

Hello everyone,

I’m curious to know if anyone else has an interest in seeing core web vitals for end-user experience on their web apps within PX?   For instance, the DCL/FCP/LCP/TBT/TTI values for page loads (like what you would see in Chrome Dev Tools on the “Performance Insights” page):


i feel like page load times and responsiveness might also be core to the product experience, and a possible supporting metric for showing/explaining feature adoption?   

What are your thoughts?  Is anyone somehow pulling these types of stats together with PX analytics to help drive focus for improvement areas?


cc/ @jmobley 

1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +2

Thanks for posting to PX Community @rterakedis !!


I have definitely seen this with some of our PX customers before.  As you likely know, Gainsight PX does not automatically track these performance metrics, but they can be sent as properties using PX Custom Events or even as Global Context properties on specific pages (Custom Events and Global Context). 

I would recommend PX Custom Events, since those properties can be further analyzed, aggregated, and averaged in PX Query Builder to get some great insights.


Happy PX-ing!!!
