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Community guidelines

  • 29 September 2016
  • 0 replies

The community is a place for all of us to discuss, learn, share experiences and to make suggestions to improve and support each other in community building. To make sure this community is a great place for all we have a few guidelines.

Be yourself

Use your real name. We all want to know the real you!

Don’t be afraid to ask

You can start by searching for a topic to see if others have already asked a question or started a discussion. If you do not find anything helpful to you, don’t be afraid to ask! Our community team is here to answer your questions and to help you come up with solutions.

Be constructive

Having a different opinion and being critical is great but only if it is used to foster healthy discussions. Help others grow by giving them constructive and respectful feedback, which they feel comfortable with. Keep away from personal accusations or name calling.

Be open

One of our favorite core values at inSided and we think it should apply to the community as well. It’s all about being transparent, honest and truthful. Embrace and welcome new people, processes, ideas, ways of doing things and visions of others. Don’t be scared to go out of your comfort zone!

Make the community your own

inSpired was built for you. It is for you to connect with other community professionals, to share your success stories, to discuss strategies, product and to find help when you need it. Help us shape this community in one that you love by participating and letting us know what you think.

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