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As a Community manager, I would like to modify a custom page but I don’t have the bouton “Customize” on the lower-right corner of the page.

The Administrator has this button “Customize”, is it only available for Administrator or is it due to an issue ? maybe with my navigator ? (I’m using Chrome)


Hey @xavier.bellessort 👋,

Looks like there was some missing configuration in your staging environment that was causing the control bar in the front end to not be available for the Community Manager role.

I’ve added this so you should be able to see it now.

Let me know if you have any more issues here. 😁

Hi @olimarrio 

I’m still ot able to see the control bar with my Community Manager account 😕

Hey @xavier.bellessort, I noticed in your live community (production) you’re a registered user so you won’t have admin rights there. 

However, in your staging community, you are in fact a Community Manager so you should have admin rights there - the link for your staging community is 

Let me know if further assistance is needed, also feel free to submit a support ticket at 

Hey @xavier.bellessort 👋,

Looks like there was some missing configuration in your staging environment that was causing the control bar in the front end to not be available for the Community Manager role.

I’ve added this so you should be able to see it now.

Let me know if you have any more issues here. 😁

Not sure which configuration is this one, could you check again for @xavier.bellessort ?
