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I am having trouble in 2 areas:

  • uploading images to articles
  • understanding how to configure quick links on the homepage (what comes along...just the title? Sometimes a first sentence from the article jumps in...sometimes not). Do I have control over this?

Are there videos that walk through this? I haven’t found the guidance I’m looking for. Thank you.

Hi @j_weiner!

Regarding your 2 questions:

You can add images to articles by either inserting the image via the button or drag and drop. See example below:


Here’s an article that goes over quick links. Hopefully this provides information on how to get set up! Sometimes Custom CSS rules can apply to the quick links and truncate the sentences. Otherwise its just the 30/80 limit as stated. Can you provide me an example of this so I can take a deeper look? 

Let me know if you need any other help! 



@ravi.kurma Thanks...I’m afraid I’m not asking the question in a way that you can give me the help I need. We are going to try and set up a training hour! Thank. you and have a great weekend!


