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I am working on setting up a custom header and would like to include the Insided user menu in this html header. 

What are the Insided calls/variables to display the user avatar and menu?



Hi @KevyM so you might want to check out the front end inSidedData object available on every page that should contain a number of dynamic values about the person logged on and the page they’re visiting:


If you check out the nested ‘user’ object - there you will find many of the values you are looking for e.g user ID and avatar link that can be used:


Hope this helps point you in the right direction!

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the answer. This does look like what I am looking for.

So I understand correctly to implement the user menu we would need to write a JS function to output the user menu as HTML and CSS? is this correct?

I am not really a dev but I am assuming I can grab existing HTML and CSS output from the elements tab in dev console, replace values with variable names and wrap that in a JS function to write it?

An example of one elements would be great!



Just jumping on this thread to stay updated: we’re also working on some custom header stuff and would love to see examples if possible!
