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Hey community,

We are adjusting our points system and adding a new rank that is in between two current rank. 

We do not want our users to be notified or sent a PM message. 


So if turn off the PM message for all ranks, add the new rank and click Rebuild. THEN go back and turn on the PM messages - will that send the PM message?


I hope that makes sense :) 


If I follow you correctly, I think you should be good. 

  1. Turn off all PMs for Ranks
  2. Adjust Ranks
  3. REBUILD Ranks - this would trigger the PMs, but won’t because they’re off
  4. Turn PMs back on for Ranks - this should not send any PMs because no one is getting a new rank

To my knowledge, that order of operations should give you what you want. Your plan seems sound to me. Best of luck! 
