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Myself and a few moderators have found our site is loading slow today. I don’t see any reported outages so wondering if it’s just us?

Hey @escholz ,

I don’t work for Gainsight, I’m just someone they enjoy having around. :)

As far as I’m aware, the most likely culprit is malicious actors with too much time on their hands trying to DDoS the platform again. The platform is very well protected and AWS is very capable of absorbing the hits with their huge compute capacity, but it can take a bit of time for Anti-DDoS to wake up and knock out the bad actors sometimes. If you see things running super slow, that might be why.

Performance usually recovers once either AWS Shield wakes up and does it’s thing (by banning the attack sources) or the attackers give up and flee because they can’t knock down their target. For security reasons, I prefer not to talk about exactly how the protection works. I hope you can understand why.

It happens more often than you think, but Gainsight are almost always one step ahead so you often won’t notice.
