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Hi community.
I’d love to know if anyone here is using the Gainsight PX product in their GS digital hub?
We’re just getting set up and the embedded widget inside PX is pulling through community content. It’s very cool.
However, I can’t seem to find any analytics specific to the community content in this widget i.e. how many users click through to the community, how many users click and read community articles from inside the widget etc. 
Anyone able to shed some light? 
@Alistair FIeld  may I suggest a group here in this community of customers who are using other products in the GS suite so we can share best practice…? Just an idea

Interested in this as well!

Hey @security_lion  Looks like it’s just you and me for now :) 
Happy to connect with you on a call if you wanted to compare notes. 
