Brand publishing and how to get started.

  • 2 December 2016
  • 0 replies

So you've got your community. Why should people visit it, and what makes them come back? Off course, people visit for support, ask questions and your community helps them out. But your community is also a place where your fans can really bond with your brand, and each other.

Brand publishing is the way to make this happen. You have to create content that is so relevant and appealing that people want to spend time with you and in that way you grow your community. How do you get started? Look at traditional media, for example. They are experts at creating successful formats, a strategy that you can use. Think about your favorite column in the newspaper, or the Carpool Karaoke of James Cordens Late Late Show. They are all formats. Recognizable, fun and informative.

Formats can perfectly be used in communities, but at InSpired 2016 we heard that this is not yet happening. To get you started, we listed some possibilities in a poll. Which one will you start using? Or do you have other great ideas? Please let us know in the comments!

What format will you start using?

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