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Hi, we have a community of developers who are also math geeks, and we need to use 'greater than' and 'less than' > < symbols pretty frequently.

Apparently these are reserved characters, and when you post something these symbols break the underlying markup and you end up losing parts of your post or reply. (The control side sometimes shows it correctly but it gets broken on the frontend.)

We've found that using html entities is a workaround that displays the symbol without breaking the code (that's what I used to show the symbols above in this post), but it's hard enough for us to remember that, let alone instruct our users to do it.

Any chance this will get helped in the near future?
Hi JessEs,

We wouldn't consider this a bug, why this happens is explained here. But we agree this isn't optimal behaviour, and we hope to change this in the near future.

We've begun work on a larger project and allowing html entities should be one of the results of the change we're making. So stay tuned 🤓
