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We’re planning on launching a hidden group for company staff members. 


We don’t want them to have to sign up and receive the same journey as a regular customer member. 


I could create a custom page, but they’d still have to sign up manually and get all the welcome comms that won’t include an onramp to the hidden group. 


Is there a way for me to sign these members up myself? Even better would be to sign them up and avoid any welcome comms? Then we can invite them to the hidden group and private message them to ask that they change their password. 


Let me know if there’s another workaround for this.

If memory serves, I think you can bulk-invite into Groups which automatically adds the user to the specified group upon joining. I’ll see if I can find that thread I recall on here.

However, directly creating accounts isn’t possible because email verification will get in your way and it’s a reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally bad idea to turn that off even for one second!

Ah ha! Here we go. This is probably the best solution I can think of:

Sometimes, the best options are the simplest… Just make sure not to let anyone else (like me!) have that link! Be warned that once generated, you can’t revoke the invite link without deleting the entire Group.

This will allow users to create an account and join the Group in one go. If they already have an account and are logged in, they’ll simply join the Group instantly. If they are registered but not logged in, they’ll instantly join the Group after logging in.

Thanks @Blastoise186, that looks like a decent workaround however it’s not available for hidden groups, only private groups. Maybe that’s the way forward

Apparently there were plans to support Hidden Groups as well. @Alistair FIeld what’s the latest on that?

A signup of multiple users is definitely possible with the API and as far as I remember, the users are registered without any email validation (“Registered user”). You’d need a script for that, maybe using Google Sheets and Google Apps Script would be the easiest option.

The only problem is those users will still need to reset their passwords or you could send emails to all of them with their password. If it’s SSO registration, it would be easier I assume although you’d need to fill in the correct SSO field for all users with the API.

For groups, this it not possible at the moment but it would be a great feature to have. I do know we had customers asking this same thing before.
