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I’m trying to reorganize our knowledge base, and I’d like to pull an entire subcategory into a new parent category. Can I do that without moving all the topics? 

I know I can bulk move, but I worry if people are linking to the old knowledge base section, it’ll be broken. 

If that’s the case, is there a redirect option built into Insided?

Hi @Kgastaldo 

Unfortunately there is no built in way to move one subcategory to another parent category. I would suggest recreating the subcategory in the new location and doing a bulk move as you suggested!

If people have links to posts in the old knowledge base, those links will be automatically redirected to the new location without anything breaking. So nothing to worry about here!


If people have the old knowledge base category bookmarked or try to go to the category directly and that subcategory is removed, they will get an error message saying this doesn’t exist anymore.

There are 2 options to tackle this:

  • First option is to update the 404 error page. There is a built in error page mentioning items could have been moved, changed, etc but you can modify this if needed!
  • Second option is to use a third party script to redirect anyone going to the old location and redirect them to the new location. This could be done using the code snippet down below.
if(window.location.href.includes("uOLD URL")){
window.location.href = "eNEW URL]"

Hopefully this was helpful!



