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Hey there! It’s been a day and could use some help!

Our Community just turned one and we are now in the middle of redoing our ranks to help remove a bottleneck near the bottom two ranks but also to stretch out the last few ranks to ensure members don’t hit the top rank too quickly after removing the bottleneck.

My question is depending on the criteria set up, could a member/user skip a rank?

Our first (lowest) rank is given simply by logging in 1 time. The second rank requires a user/member to login 2 times and provide at least 2 likes/upvotes.

But let’s say the next rank required 4 logins, 1 topic and 3 replies (but no likes needed to be given).

Logically a member could skip from the 1st rank to the third rank if they logged in 4 times posted a topic and 3 replies (but again didn’t like or upvote anyone elses posts), right?


I am not sure but I think member earns each and every rank what criterias he/she fullfil. Member climbs one ladder at a time, no matter how fast.

Please correct if I am wrong 😊

Hey @Johnk - it’s totally possible for a member to skip one or several ranks.  At any point, a member will get the highest rank available to them.  As an example, it’s one of our common rank structure best practices to have a series of ranks for ‘lurkers’ (people only viewing) at the bottom, and then a series of ranks for those contributing (posting replies), and then above all of that a first ‘helper’ rank where the only condition is ONE best answer.  That’s a very valuable behaviour, and means that any point, any member who gets one of those best answers, will immediately jump all the way to that rank regardless of whether they have met any of the criteria for the lower ranks.

Thanks @Kenneth R for correcting me and my answer 😊

Awesome, thank you @Kenneth R and @revote.

Totally makes sense and I appreciate the advice about the lower ranks! 


Look at the users as helium balloons that will float from the bottom to the top of your ranking structure through the path of least resistance. If you want to make sure that they’re not climbing the ranks too quickly, add in a “resistance” through the “age” portion of the rank structure. IE, they can move through the lurker phase without resistance. But once they start posting, they can’t move to the next rank/level before their account is one day old. They can’t become a recognised “helper” before their account is a week old etc etc.
