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Hey Community,

I could use some trouble shooting advice. I have a member who reported being unable to post a new topic.

His post is just text (no images) and his text is not very long. He has tried multiple times on different days and using different machines. He has tried both browsers, IE and Chrome, and cleared his history/cache. He enters all the necessary fields, after he clicks Create, system processes for a couple of seconds, then stops where it is, no message, no error, nothing. 

His account is active, not banned. He was able to post today, but I can’t tell what was different. I’ve asked to make sure he isn’t copy/pasting from word, since that brings extra characters and issues.

Is there anything I’m not thinking of? 

Hi @Kgastaldo,

Have you figured it out yet or still looking for the answer? 

We've noticed the same thing as well in a few cases and with these topics the poster was trying to use new tags, which we have disabled. Trying to use these tags would prevent someone from posting a topic, without an error or notification of what was going wrong.

Perhaps this is the case with your member as well? 

My user was able to post, but we didn’t sort out why he couldn’t post before. I didn’t think to ask him about tags. I’ll see if that might have been the difference. Thank you!

If this issue persists reach out to so our support team can investigate this and see what’s going on here. Keep us posted :)
