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Currently the badges that are shown in Topic pages for the author or anyone who has replied is (i think) the first badge earned. (In InSided this seems too often be the Sprinter badge).

This means that the badge image there does not distinguish anyone, it is the “+X” that carries value.

Is there a way to change the order to be the latest one for added relevance and differentiation between members or perhaps even display more than just one, in a stacked way similar to the users in groups for example?

Hi @SmartlyGreg!

Unfortunately this is set, and there doesn’t seem to be an easy work around for it. Whenever they get another badge it’ll get added to their profile in the order they were obtained. Only a third party script could alter the order of these.



@ravi.kurma  I’ll give it a go then… it is a shame though since badges to my understanding shouldnt work like ranks. so showing the first earned that most active members have by default seems a missed opportunity.

@ravi.kurma actually even with Third party scripts I’m not really seeing the way to do this… Would really appreciate some help here!

Hi @SmartlyGreg!

Sorry about the delay, I talked internally with the team and there are indeed some inconsistencies on the ordering of badges below comments/profiles. We are evaluating what the best course of action is and I will let you know once I get more information!

@ravi.kurma looking forward to it! I feel showing the most recently earned makes much more sense by default.

In a perfect world: It would be great since the backend likely has a query fetching badges for users that the Control side is able to select an order. Nothing fancy here, simply something like: Latest, oldest, earned would be a great, but it could also be based on the creation date of the badge/ order of the badge much like ranks can be re-ordered… but now I’m getting picky! :) 

Hi @SmartlyGreg!

I wanted to give you an update, this will be picked up on the coming spirts! The expected outcome is to show the most recent badge earned.



Much appreciated!
