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We’re in the early stages of our community and wondering if we can turn this off until we reach more of a critical mass. 


It’s not possible to turn that field off. You could hide it by using custom CSS. But you would manually need to find every instance where this field is shown and identify the unique class in the source code.

@SmartlyGreg wondering if you might be willing to help identify this with your CSS expertise? :sunglasses::pray:

@DannyPancratz first of all thanks for thinking of me!

You’ll be glad to know I’ve managed to take care of most of them with custom CSS, but if I missed something maybe just point me to an example page and I’ll let you know if I can fix.


The main ones are taken care of with this:

.topic__views-count {
display:none !important;
.qa-count-views {
display:none !important;
  • The top class takes care of hiding the ones in the homepage or other aggregated results of articles, like categories and search results like the one below. (Adding the “!important” allowed me to catch the featured content views too!)
  • Then the second class I added in the CSS takes care of the more discreet but possibly more relevant article page view count, as is seen below:


Hope this helps!

@SmartlyGreg You are the best! On Community Manager Appreciation Day, I appreciate YOU and your contributions to InSpired since you joined. You’ve been a big help!

@DannyPancratz I’m honoured to receive this award today. I’d like to thank my parents, my wife… :)

Seriously, happy to help! The community has been a great inspiration for me in setting up InSided for, so I give back when I can! Your kind words are a much appreciated bonus.

Feel free to mention me if you feel I can be of help. Always happy to give it a shot. 

@SmartlyGreg and @ future readers: confirming that this CSS worked for me as intended. 
