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Is there a way to change the icon used for a private group? I see I can alter the phrase.

For additional context, this is the one I’m talking about:


Hey Scott, 

I may be able to help with this one. We have a logo in place for a similar Phrase for the 403 Error page, so I believe the groups phrase should work in a similar manner. See the example below: 


For the Private Group page, I would try to create the phrase in control by using the following Module and Key: 

Module: Forum


Translations: <INSERT IMAGE CODE> This group is private, please request to join to view topics and members


You will then need to use Custom CSS to remove the default lock image: svg.icon-locked {
display: none;

Please let me know if this helps. 

@Jeanie Lee thanks for jumping in. Gave that a try and while I can replace the text, I cannot get the icon to change to something else. Adding the <img src=””> results in two icons on the page. Ideally there’d be a way to provide other icons that match our site branding. 

@Scott Baldwin, we’re getting closer! 😉

I checked with our Dev team, and custom CSS will help remove the lock. Please try the code below: svg.icon-locked {
display: none;

Perfect, that’ll do as a workaround to hide it for now. Just waiting on a replacement icon from our team to add.

I’m glad to hear!
