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Could someone explain what "Deleted comments" refers to, as compared to "Replies?" In the below examples, you'll see that this user has 1 Deleted topic, 1 Deleted comment, and 0 Replies. When I click on the number 1 next to "Deleted topics," I can see the trashed topic. When I click on the number 1 next to "Deleted comments," I get a message saying there are no results. This happens in all cases like this, not just with this user.

Is this expected behavior? I would expect to see the deleted comment.

Also, is the difference between a Reply and a Deleted comment simply that the Reply refers to replies that have not been deleted?

Thank you!

Are any of deleted comments in spam, by chance?
Good question, @Drew C. Not that I can see. And I'd expect to see them in the Spam folder because the Deleted topics are in the Spam folder. But I'm still able to view them when I click on the number next to "Deleted topics."
There are some inconsistencies in the wording. Sometimes inSided calls it "comments", sometimes it's "replies", I think I even came across "answers".

thanks @LPortalupi for sharing this with us, these are some really good questions! :)

Could someone explain what "Deleted comments" refers to, as compared to "Replies?"

As Bjoern pointed out correctly, this is due to an inconsistency of naming in the platform. Comments and replies stand for the same. We already are in the process of making the naming and styling of the Control Environment more consistent, so expect this to be improved soon as well.

In the below examples, you'll see that this user has 1 Deleted topic, 1 Deleted comment, and 0 Replies. When I click on the number 1 next to "Deleted topics," I can see the trashed topic. When I click on the number 1 next to "Deleted comments," I get a message saying there are no results. This happens in all cases like this, not just with this user.

So, this behaviour is a bit tricky, as it really depends on the situation. There are two situations possible:

  • If a reply from a user has been trashed, but the original topic in which the comment was located in is still visible, then you will see the deleted comment in the list.

  • If a trashed reply is in a topic which itself also has been trashed, then this will not be in the list any more, as the entire topic does not "live" in the community any more.

This is also why the deleted topics always can be shown, as they all will sit in the trash can.

I would expect to see the deleted comment.

Me too. I think it has to do with the status of the topic, as mentioned before. I could imagine that they sit in two very different locations and therefore cannot be displayed in the same list - but maybe this is something we can improve.

I hope this helped you a bit - if there are more questions or thoughts around this then I will be happy to hear that! 🙂
Thank you for taking the time to share such a detailed response, @Julian!

And thank you, @bjoern_schulze, for your insight!

Hey @Julian,

Just to follow up on this distinction between replies and comments…..when creating badges I see the option to automatically assign badges based on “Minimum amount of replies” but not comments. These are interchangeable yes? I see on some other communities (Zapier) that refer in some badges to replies and others to comments. Can you clarify? Thank you! 

Yes, comments = replies. I can totally see when this is confusing. Over the years, I have had many different interchangable terminology, e.g. Forum vs. Community.

The reason for this is basically that the platform grew over many years and that there are some names that have changed over time. Maybe I could add a quick dictionary just to avoid any confusion, but overall of course we are focussing to align the wording across the entire platform as we are improving things. Until then, just for reference, common terms I see in the community space and in our platform:


Name Definition Synonyms
Topic A question, discussion, conversation, idea Thread
Topic start Opening post of a topic Opening post, original post, OP, description
Reply Every reply in a topic that is not the opening topic Response, Comment
Posts Sum of topics & replies - all posts of a user  


Thanks @Julian
