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Community Launch Ideas

  • 13 May 2024
  • 4 replies

Hey Team! We’re about to officially launch our new community and Im looking for examples (graphics, linkedin takeovers, etc) for launching the community!


Thank you!

4 replies

Userlevel 2

Hey @katie.ray 

A great idea given to us for this was having an open letter from your CEO/CCO/COO about the importance of community, etc!

Good luck on your launch!

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

I need a little flavor,   can you give me some details of the community?

Userlevel 3

We did a few small LinkedIn takeovers with our social team with a focus on what community could do for users. Here was the main post:

I think the biggest advice I’d offer is to soft launch your community first so you’ve got a ton of content for the big launch and all the quirks worked out. We soft launched to select audiences in September 2023, publicly in October 2023, and then real launch in January 2024.

And don’t worry too much about the big launch really. Best to do a lot of small drips over an extended amount of time than one big splash.

Userlevel 2

Agreed - we went with a small launch for about a three weeks.

Then we did our big announcement at our yearly event.

Then a few weeks later, we started to shutdown access to our old community.


Good luck!
