
Community time zone settings

  • 18 June 2021
  • 8 replies


HI there, 

we are looking at our community data in several dashboards and I want to make sure all platforms are analysing data based on the same time zone. 

Where I can see the timezone settings  of our platform and how to change it?


8 replies


Hey @Julian , hope you don't mind me tagging you since my question hasn't got any answers yet. 

Thanks in advance. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +3

Thanks for flagging this to me! Are you asking about the time zone of the API or are you using exports for creating these dashboards?

The exports are generated in UTC time zone and this cannot be changed. Usually customers change the time zone on the client side afterwards if necessary, as far as I know.

With the API, I am not sure but I think there is also a way to adjust filters to match your time zone, but I am not an expert in this area.


We are exporting the data to Looker. So we basically want to adjust the UTC timezone in Looker to match InSided. 




What do you think, @Julian ? Does it make sense what I’m trying to achieve?


Maybe @daniel.boon knows the answer to this question. I just need to know which timezone the platform is using when generating its reports. Is Mon-Sun CEST? Thanks

Userlevel 1

Hey @Gabolino - for the dashboards and exports, the timezone’s always set to UTC. For datetime timezone for various API endpoints/webhook payloads, I’ve popped a question to our engineers and aim to get some clarity there for you as well.


Some examples from the API

Here’s part of the response from /v2/articles endpoint:

"createdAt": "2021-07-01T11:12:34+00:00","publishedAt": "2021-07-01T11:12:34+00:00","lastActivityAt": "2021-07-01T11:12:34+00:00","lastModifiedAt": "2021-07-01T11:12:34+00:00",

As you can see, we include +00:00 to make it clear that it’s UTC time 🙂.

The same applies for webhooks:

 "question.Asked": {    "askedAt": "2021-07-08T08:57:25+00:00",


Userlevel 1

Some examples from the API

Here’s part of the response from /v2/articles endpoint:

"createdAt": "2021-07-01T11:12:34+00:00","publishedAt": "2021-07-01T11:12:34+00:00","lastActivityAt": "2021-07-01T11:12:34+00:00","lastModifiedAt": "2021-07-01T11:12:34+00:00",

As you can see, we include +00:00 to make it clear that it’s UTC time 🙂.

The same applies for webhooks:

 "question.Asked": {    "askedAt": "2021-07-08T08:57:25+00:00",

Hope that provides some additional clarity @Gabolino! The product-side of me also can’t resist learning more about the dashboards you’re building to analyse community data. What questions are you looking to answer in Looker with these custom reports?


Hey @daniel.boon sorry for the late response and thanks a lot for that info. There’s a bunch of stuff that I’d like to know that I can’t get via InSided. I’ll give you a few examples of the kinds of things I need to be informed about:


*Time to solution (not just first response)

% Answers by users (excluding team) - I can’t get this at the moment. 

% of engaged members (everyone who performed an action: like, DM, post, idea, etc )

% Quality interactions (where 3 or more members have been involved in a topic)

Champions (I like to always create my own criteria of what being a champion means - Im using X amount of points and above in my current community)

Retention rate for members (not just visitors, I want to know retention for those who log in)

Possibly a few more, but those above are pretty important for me to measure and report success. 
