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Hi! We would love to have a way to create a URL before publishing a post. This would allow us to share links to scheduled posts with colleagues and also include these links in other scheduled posts. Thank you!

Hey @mfifis,

While I agree that it would be nice if we could get this functionality too (we would want to embed the URLs into our platform before a feature is released), the “Preview” link will automatically forward to the published link once the draft is published.

I’m always nervous, and try to use the real URL, but it should work for your needs (scheduled posts etc).


Thank you, @Ilan B!

Hi @mfifis  - So we do this for our newsletters. We need to publish them internally, have owners review them and then publish publicly after they are approved. We also need to supply the published links to our marketing team to create email announcements before they are published publicly. It’s a bit of a convoluted process but works for us. Steps are below in case they help you.

  1. Create article and publish to a “drafts” category that is only accessible to our “employee” role. example:
  2. Take the category name that it will be moved to once approved and replace the drafts category name. In this case the new category will be “acumatica-customer-newsletter-163”. We can then give this link to marketing ahead of publication. example:
  3. Once the drafts are approved we move each article to it’s correct category. example: is moved to




Hey @Chris Hackett! Thank you so much for the step-by-step instructions. It’s much appreciated!

You’re very welcome! 

I know this thread is ancient, but this is something that I needed this morning, and I just wanted to express my appreciation. Thank you @mfifis for asking this, and thank you @Chris Hackett for this incredibly detailed and well-thought-out response! 🙌

I too found this topic and found it useful. 


It got me thinking about the structure of the URLs. In the example used by @Chris Hackett the URL don’t seem to have a topic id at the end of the ‘slug’. But for our topics they always have a series of numbers at the end. 


It’s that which means we can’t predict the URL ahead of time, without the suggested workaround of using the drafted preview version and swapping out the category name with the category it will be.


Doesn’t every topic URL have this? 

I too found this topic and found it useful. 


It got me thinking about the structure of the URLs. In the example used by @Chris Hackett the URL don’t seem to have a topic id at the end of the ‘slug’. But for our topics they always have a series of numbers at the end. 


It’s that which means we can’t predict the URL ahead of time, without the suggested workaround of using the drafted preview version and swapping out the category name with the category it will be.


Doesn’t every topic URL have this? 

These are my thoughts exactly 🤔

And great work-around @Chris Hackett!

So it's been a long time but I am not sure why my URLs don't have the ID in my post. They do have them though😏

I too found this topic and found it useful. 


It got me thinking about the structure of the URLs. In the example used by @Chris Hackett the URL don’t seem to have a topic id at the end of the ‘slug’. But for our topics they always have a series of numbers at the end. 


It’s that which means we can’t predict the URL ahead of time, without the suggested workaround of using the drafted preview version and swapping out the category name with the category it will be.


Doesn’t every topic URL have this? 


For example this topic, you are right there is least two urls pointing to opening post:

But as you can see you can clean the url and get rid of this part:


Is there something I am missing now?


Edit: I like this workaround but there is one problem - publishing date. I wish that timestamp is just now, not yesterday or day before etc.

Hi @revote,


In your example:

But as you can see you can clean the url and get rid of this part:


Is there something I am missing now?



The clean URL has “-4653” in it. 


That’s why using @Chris Hackett’s workaround is needed. As we can’t predict that ID. If the topic URL was just the domain name + folder structure + topic title, we’d be able to predict the URL without the need for the workaround.  

In your example:

The clean URL has “-4653” in it.

That’s why using @Chris Hackett’s workaround is needed. As we can’t predict that ID. If the topic URL was just the domain name + folder structure + topic title, we’d be able to predict the URL without the need for the workaround.  

Yes, I see. Sorry, I just answered for this:


the URL don’t seem to have a topic id at the end of the ‘slug’

As said, it does have but you dont know it beforehand.

Edit: I just thought this more.

Because there is unique numerical id in each and every topic (also posts as well) it makes possible to move or merge topics.

Static numerical id is also needed because it is possible that topic title is changed later on.

And with unique numerical id platform can redirect users from old url to new one.

I think without unique id those are not possible though?

But yeah, problem is that we dont know the id beforehand. We used Khoros before and there is possible to have final url before publishing.
