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How can I update the placeholder text for default fields such as Username, Email Address etc. on the sign up form?

I have yet to find a way to do this. Given those values aren’t custom profile fields, but tied to phrases, there may not be a way. Following in case the inSided team has suggestions to share.

I quickly went through the (long) list of phrases and could not find the phrases right-away. But I am happy to ask my colleagues, who are much better at this.

However, when I was checking on our community to locate the exact placeholders, I could not see any placeholder text?


Maybe I am missing something here. If you could share a screenshot or describe this in a bit more detail, this will help me to locate the phrases for this quicker.

There is a trick, you can actually visit the sign up form via a dedicated sign up url (which is usually not exposed to users in our platform). It has this format:

Maybe it becomes editable for you when you visit such a page while logged in and phrases mode activated?

@Beachball3000 @Scott Baldwin couldn’t this just be done with some simple setAttribute in the Third party scripts if not part of the Phrases? (Also you can’t open registration pages when logged in I think...)

I’ve just tried adding this to the “Before </Body>” third party script and it seems to work:

<!-- Add placeholder text to email address on registration form -->
var theEmail = document.getElementById("register_user_email");
theEmail.setAttribute('placeholder', '');

TBH it does not limit the application to the registration page, although the field ID does suggest it would be… BTW for the username  on registration page it would be: “register_user_username”
Hope this helps!


@Scott Baldwin, @Julian unfortunately it’s not available for us to edit via Phrases, but only through customisation.

Thank you for the help @SmartlyGreg! We were able to get some professional help for this, and since we had some changes/modifications already in place, the following code was added in (in case anyone wanted to check it out):

// Set custom placeholders
$('#register_user_username').attr('placeholder', 'This is the name people will know you by in the community.');
$('#register_user_email').attr('placeholder', 'Add in your work email address.');
$('#register_user_password').attr('placeholder', 'Create password.');

