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I wanted to make a suggestion to improve the inSided community. I just updated my profile with my new community URL and noticed that you ask for Gender. I’m always cognizant as a community leader and manager of leaving space for everyone to belong. And while I’m a cis-gendered male, I’m sure not everyone falls into the polar ends of male/female and making that question an either/or could make some folks uncomfortable with little or not options. Maybe it should be removed as a custom field? Maybe it should be updated to fully recognize various options?

Hi Scott,

thanks for sharing your feedback with us!

I think this is very valuable for us, especially because things like profile fields are rarely top-of-mind on running communities when they already ran for a few years and changes to profile fields never seemed necessary. This actually made me question why we need to have such a field in the first place… I probably will remove it after all, as it does not hold any information relevant to what we are discussing here. You could argue it might be relevant to choose a pronoun, but I doubt anyone would check a users profile for this.

Thanks for listening. Pronouns are good, even we use them in our community.

And while I’m a cis-gendered male, I’m sure not everyone falls into the polar ends of male/female and making that question an either/or could make some folks uncomfortable with little or not options. Maybe it should be removed as a custom field?

We created an own user profile field in our community to achieve that:

  • Single select list (radio button)
  • Three options: Male, female, diverse
  • private field (only visible to the user and moderator)
  • not shown on registration
  • not a required field  
