
Custom pages, dynamic content, and articles

  • 13 February 2024
  • 8 replies

Userlevel 1

Hi community folks,

I’m building a job postings board. It will show articles in a “Job Posting” category.

The Dynamic Content widget seems a perfect fit for this scenario...

But I can’t customize a category page to add it.

I put it on a custom page instead, and everything looks great...

But the category page still exists and shows up on the mega-menu.


I just can’t see a way to have a page with a custom list of articles that is somehow separate from the rest of the infrastructure.



Is there a way to hide a category, but let its articles be visible on a Dynamic Content widget?

Can I somehow replace the menu link to the category with one to the custom page?

Am I overlooking another solution that’s obvious and simple?!


Any thoughts appreciated.


8 replies

Userlevel 3

Hey @FMEEvangelist, I’m not fully following what you are trying to accomplish BUT it sounds like the main issue you’re having is that you want to create a Job Board that doesn’t show up in the categories menu. 

  1. There may be a way to hide the parent/child category from view with code, but I’m not the best person to advise 😅
  2. You could repurpose Product Updates (if not using it) to be your “Job Board”. You can continue to use the Dynamic Content widget and you can update the the phrases so it’s clear what was Product Updates is a Job Board. Keep in mind this isn’t the use case Gainsight has in mind so future enhancements could mess with this set up.
  3. You could repurpose Knowledge Base (if not using it) to host the articles of the job board. You can hide the Knowledge Base from your navigation (or show it with an updated name) and feature it with the Dynamic Content widget using Public Tags.
  4. You could use a Group for your Job Board. This doesn’t seem to initially work with the Dynamic Content widget, but I tested out using the Public Tag filter and it populated content from a group. You could also add a link to the group in your navigation bar.

I’d test these out in your sandbox but hope they’re helpful suggestions for brainstorming a workaround!


Userlevel 1

Thanks @security_lion - yes, I think the Knowledge Base (we’re not using it) is going to be the way to go. I’d hoped to use the Dynamic Content widget because it looks so great and it will automatically hide content over a certain age. The default Knowledge Base view looks a bit weedy in comparison!

Anyway, it’s good to know that I’m not missing anything totally obvious. I would totally have used Product Updates, except that we’re already using that one. So knowledge base it is. But I think I’ll also check through the ideas section here, because I think Custom Pages would have many more uses if they meshed better with other tools.

Thanks again 👍🏻

Userlevel 3

Happy to help! Hopefully using the public tags within the Dynamic Content widget is something that works for your use case.

We’ll see if anyone else has other suggestions. There’s some pretty smart people in the community 😃

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Great conversation here. :) I think @security_lion has already outlined some great options.  One small thing I’d add is that you can, in theory, add or hide items from your mega menu, but it does require some slightly hacky scripts so it’s not something we strongly recommend.  Alternately, you could even build your own menu to replace our mega menu.  However, the simplest and lowest effort option is definitely to use existing functionality - and it sounds like the KB can be a good option for you right now.  I do agree that it would be really useful to be able to add custom pages to the existing (menu) hierarchy.

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Is there a way to hide a category, but let its articles be visible on a Dynamic Content widget?

Can I somehow replace the menu link to the category with one to the custom page?

I am not sure does this help at all but I think might be worth to check (if havent already): 


Userlevel 1

Is there a way to hide a category, but let its articles be visible on a Dynamic Content widget?

Can I somehow replace the menu link to the category with one to the custom page?

I am not sure does this help at all but I think might be worth to check (if havent already): 


Ah, unfortunately I don’t have access to that page! Any chance you can share the important parts of the content here?

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Is there a way to hide a category, but let its articles be visible on a Dynamic Content widget?

Can I somehow replace the menu link to the category with one to the custom page?

I am not sure does this help at all but I think might be worth to check (if havent already): 


Ah, unfortunately I don’t have access to that page! Any chance you can share the important parts of the content here?

Maybe @DannyPancratz can share his knownledge, he helped me there 😃

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

(TBH I only skimmed the other replies as I wrap things up on a Friday, so maybe this was already suggested)


Based on your original question, I’d recommend

  1. Category for the posts to publish in
    1. Permissions set for view/post/reply as you want them
  2. Custom page for the UX layout you want
  3. Third Party script to redirect the category from the menu / “hide” the main category page
if (window.location.href == 'https-URL-of-category-goes-here') { window.location.replace('https-URL-of-custom-page-goes-here');}

put that in the Insert in <HEAD> section


The end result is that you’re hiding the default category view, redirecting it to the custom page that has the layout you want. 

Because you’re using a category for the posts, it will still show up in your Mega Menu dropdown for Community or KB (whichever you use). But with the redirect, they’ll always be taken to the custom page. 

Even when they click the breadcrumb in the post itself, it’ll redirect back to the custom page. 

The category still works, just nobody can land on the default category view you want to avoid. 
