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Can we add a custom page to a group? 

Custom pages are modular outside the hierarchy of groups, categories, etc. 

You could link to the custom page from the group, but not build a custom page that is a sub-page of the group. 

Thank you.. Linking doesn’t keep it private. Will suggest an idea.

With custom pages, you can control visibility of permissions. 

Groups is not one of those options, just primary user roles and custom user roles, so that might be a good idea to suggest as well. 

But you could automate (with Zapier or a similar tool) providing the group access with a custom role. 

  1. Create the custom role
  2. Give it to the existing group members (User Overview > use the bulk action to add role)
  3. Automate giving the custom role to any net new group members who join later
    1. Trigger: webhook event for group.MemberJoined
    2. Action: add custom user role

Thank you Danny. We will have too many custom roles to do this? In other words, we would have to do this for all the Groups we create. If we create 10 groups, that’s a lot of custom roles. The 10 number is conservative : )
