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Customize Error Page Image/Graphics

We have customized the phrases on our community error page. Can we customize the appearance of the page? Change out the image for something more in keeping with the look of our community?



4 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Hey @lwackertn 👋,

You are able to add images to the phrase that you are customising for this page. Check out the following article that states you can use HTML to add images to this page:

An example might look something like this:


Userlevel 2

Thanks @olimarrio .  I saw that article but missed the HTML info!

Userlevel 1

Hi @olimarrio - I was looking at this recently myself. I’ve found that I can certainly add images, but I don’t see any way to remove the existing Gainsight image.


Am I missing something obvious? Or would I just hide it using CSS and then add my own image in the title text?

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hey @FMEEvangelist - I’ve suggested one way to swap out that 404 image for a different one using a simple bit of CSS in this topic:

