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I’m looking to implement a DemandBase tag onto the community to track account-level engagement across the various sites our company has. It looks like it’s a small snippet of Javascript code that we are supposed to put onto each page. 


Does anyone know how to do that? 


These were the instructions provided by DemandBase. 

Deploying your Demandbase Tag

  1. Insert the Demandbase Tag (shown in the box below) on every page on your website, including microsites, landing pages, and conversion pages.
  2. Place the Demandbase Tag just before the closing body tag </body> of each page.


Hey @tiffany.oda - I don’t have experience with DemandBase specifically, but it should be straightforward to add the snippet of code to the ‘third-party scripts’ page in control (in the ‘Customization’ section).  The snippet will then be loaded on every page - this is how to integrate all kinds of add-ons and tools such as surveys, additional analytics tools, etc...

Upon some additional investigating, I believe you go to the Before </Body> section and enter the code there. 
