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Hey everyone! 

I'm currently thinking about using the knowledge base for a kind of event arena as we want to intregrate our events better and with more visibility into our community.

The idea would be that we could share our different events (User Group Meetings, Marketing Events, Academies, Product Updates, etc.) in the form of posts, highlight them and structure them according to upcoming, previous, follow-up, etc.

Has anybody already done that and would share some experiences and best practises with me? :blush:

I haven’t done that, but one thing to consider is how posts are structured in the KB section. 

Your latests posts in the KB automatically go to the bottom of the list. And you’ll have to drag/drop them to reorder them. 

So if you want the latest posts to be at the top, it might not be your best solution. It’ll be okay at first, but as your list of posts gets longer, it will become a pain. 

I discovered this with a previous community that was using our KB for publishing content. After a few weeks, we identified the pain point above and switched to using the Product Updates module. Product Updates works more like a blog feed with filters and the latest posts are always at the top. So that might be another solution to explore. 

(Note: If you choose to use the Products Updates module, know that the filters are tied to “Product Areas”which are the same Product Areas used for the Ideas module. So while you can adjust your use case to that module, setting up the filters (Product Areas) will also impact the Product Areas available to be selected for Ideas. 

@Scott Baldwin & @Gabolino have been leveraging the KB section for other purposes I’m confident they will have great insights for you.

@Selina IMHO it would be better to do this in parent and child categories. The KB can be a paid to manage as @DannyPancratz noted you have to constantly tweak the order and isn’t really great for content that’s regularly being added to.

Hi @DannyPancratz, @Scott Baldwin & @SmartlyGreg

thank you for sharing your input and your experiences with me. 
I think we won’t use the knowledge base for our events for your described reasons. :sweat_smile:

Have a lovely week!  
