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Standard editing time for most primary user roles is 60 minutes. You can change this for users via custom user roles. 

My question is what does a user see after the 60 minutes has passed? Do they still see the Edit uption in the *** dots menu on their posts? Or should it be hidden when it’s not available?

I tested it myself and it appears the answer (at the moment at least) is YES, they do still see the Edit button. 

Now the question is should they be seeing the Edit button? 

This has never been an issue before (users seeing the edit option when they can no longer edit) and I seem to remember times when I would not see Edit as an option for me here on InSpired (it appears I have extended permissions now). 

I’m wondering if this is the standard UX or whether something changed or if there’s a bug. If this is the standard UX and nothing changed, I’m surprised I haven’t had users reach out sooner. 

Okay, so another interesting discovery…

I joined the Gainsight Community today to promote my session at Pulse next month. When I went back to test that post and a reply I had created, I did not see the Edit option for the original post and a reply I had made. 

That leads me to think that users should not be seeing the Edit option past their edit window. 

Hey @DannyPancratz 👋,

That’s right, once the edit time has lapsed for the specified user role, the user will not be able to see the edit button.

The current set up on inSpired is that those with our ‘customer’ role have unlimited edit time (user can always edit their post) permissions. I’m not sure if this has changed recently though...maybe @Alistair FIeld knows more?

So after some testing and searching for the phrase you’re looking for in this question:

I found that if you leave the topic open and try to edit the topic/reply after the allotted edit time, the edit button still displays. What’s interesting is that I didn’t receive the error message that you mentioned in the above topic, just a 403 error in the console. I’m wondering if this error message doesn’t display in the front end on desktop but it does on mobile.

I’ve asked the support team to look into this one so we can diagnose and improve the behaviour here (and find that phrase that you’re looking for).


Thanks, Oliver. I think this is a bug with the super user role and just shared why in the support ticket thread I have open. 

Issue was reported to me as a super user and I saw the same error when I switched my role to super user. 

I think you’re onto something here @DannyPancratz! Our support team and engineering team are on the case and I’ll update this thread once this is fixed.

Hi @olimarrio - do you have an update here? I have a Super User who has a custom role which should allow her to update her post indefinitely. Yet she gets the following message when she tries to edit:



I’ve set it up so that all custom roles have unlimited edit time, so no one should be seeing this issue (as far as I know).

Hi @alexandra.culler 👋,

This was resolved a good few months ago but maybe there is a new issue. Can you please get in contact with our support team and let them know which user is facing this problem? They may need to just run a sync to fix this.
