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It looks like most system emails use snippets to automate the link in the button. A few examples:

<a href="{post_url}"
<a href="{topic_url}"
<a href="{invite_url}"

Is it possible to add a UTM on the ends of those automated URLs for tracking purposes in Google Analytics? 

Typically for a UTM, you just add the details to the end of the URL?

If I add, for example, I added this right behind the snippet, will it work? 


end result would be

<a href="{invite_url}?utm_source=system_email" and then the rest of the html code for styling the button / link

Would that work?

@DannyPancratz have you considered trying this out in your staging environment?

good suggestion, Scott. I hadn’t considered that. 

We don’t have Google Analytics setup on our staging environment, but it’s something I’ll see if it’s possible to test. 

But also hoping the Insided team or another community member chimes in :) 

The great @matt enbar from Support answered this for me. 

Hypothetically that should work without issue. All that part does is use code interpolation for the URL.


I have since tested it out with my system emails and Google Analytics and it’s working correctly for me. The URLs work without issue and the UTMs are coming through in Google Analytics. 

Thanks for testing it! When I initially wanted to add UTM parameters to the automated URLs, it didn’t work because there was another URL forwarding in place which removed the parameters. @Julian Did you guys change anything in that regard recently?

@bjoern_schulze I may have spoken too soon… the UTM testing I was doing must have been for non-topic URLs that didn’t do the URL forwarding. 

In testing topic and reply UTMs today, the forwarding still removes it … and thus, it doesn’t seem to be tracking those UTMs in my Google Analytics :frowning2:

@bjoern_schulze actually it might be working and just a delay on the Google Analytics front. 

In working with support, they indicated that it should still work (despite the redirect to the “friendly” URL with the public ID number). 

I’m waiting to see if our UTM source numbers go up after testing with Support and a few others. I’ll update here once I confirm. 

@bjoern_schulze confirmed that it still does not work due to the redirects. 

@matt enbar from support is looking into possible solutions. 

Hi guys sorry for being a bit late to the party. Unfortunately, we are also still looking for a solution for you to track these. I am speaking with Matt about this, but so far we have not achieved this, I am afraid.

Needless to say, we understand the importance of tracking here, and I know that this is also something we want to offer you more insights on in the future. We have no concrete timeline for implementing our own tracking and making it accessible to you. However, as we are ramping up our engineering efforts at the moment, I hope to have good news in this regard soon.

We will continue to discuss internally if there is not a way in which this can be achieved, we will keep you posted.

I appreciate the update @Julian. And @matt enbar has been incredibly helpful in exploring whether this might be possible. 

@bjoern_schulze I’ve added this idea if you want to vote for it

