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Hi there,

I have a ticket open with support but wondering if anyone has found ways to embed a YT video directly in a post (of any type) so that it displays and plays within the post (rather than just displaying a YT link). 

When I tried using the embeddable URL feature in an article, it showed me the video in preview as being part of the article, but then when I published the article, it reverted to a plain YT link. 

We want to have videos display and play directly within posts. 

Thanks in advance for any guidance!

You should be good if you just paste the actual YouTube link or the shareable link they give you on YT. 

that should auto embed. For some reason the WYSIWYG editor’s embed feature doesn’t always work as intended. And you shouldnt need to do the embed code. It should be as simple as pasting the link into the article body box like any other text. 

You should be good if you just paste the actual YouTube link or the shareable link they give you on YT. 

that should auto embed. For some reason the WYSIWYG editor’s embed feature doesn’t always work as intended. And you shouldnt need to do the embed code. It should be as simple as pasting the link into the article body box like any other text. 


I should have mentioned I tried this methodology. 

When I follow the steps you outline, I see the embedded video in the control environment, but in the public community view, I see what is in the screenshot, below:


Screenshot 2023-06-08 at 8.52.33 PM.png

No matter which way I try, I cannot get it to work. 



If I remember correctly, if you havent accepted cookies you cant see the video embedded. I am not sure is this the case with you but it is worth to check.

If I remember correctly, if you havent accepted cookies you cant see the video embedded. I am not sure is this the case with you but it is worth to check.

That did the trick! Thank you! Seems odd to me that this feature would be cookie-dependent (and also as an admin that it would not display for me as desired), but I’m glad it’s all sorted now. Thank you! 

Excellent 👌 Glad to help.
