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Hey Community
I think you’ll agree that finding benchmark numbers for community is like rocking horse poop!! 🤣
I’ve been live for 8 weeks now. 13% of my registered customer audience have taken an action.
Anyone else willing to share their engagement rate at 8 week in, and how they have seen this number change over the lifetime of their community? 
I realise this isn’t completely black and white, we all have different objectives with our communities but a little peep into your world would be helpful.  I’d be grateful. 🙏

Hey @sarahmasterton-brown 

Is this the result of % Users with at least 1 post on the user dashboard??

Yes :) 

@sarahmasterton-brown I’d say you’re doing GREAT! We moved a legacy community to Insided and have been live for 18 months, looking at the same calculation for last month, we were at ~17% of active users had at least one post. 

Overall, we typically see 25% of active users (1+ visits) each month contributing some type of action: post, like, upvote, etc. (We use the salesforce integration which gives more activity data, but the forthcoming data lake feature will make that accessible for everyone. I like looking at those other actions as it’s a step above “lurking” and provides value via data on content and positive reinforcement to the other users)

If you’ve seen 13% of your registered users post so far, I’d say you should be quite pleased with engagement. Congrats!
