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Hi all :hand_splayed_tone4:

We want to give our category pages some love and highlight some articles at the top, prior to the topics/conversations section. 

Something that would help greatly is to add featured articles right below the search and on top conversations. See image below for reference. 


Does anybody know if this is at all possible?

Thanks in advance !

It’s not possible that I’m aware of, but you can use the Curated Content section within a child category to highlight certain articles above your list of topics. Here’s an example from our community:


Since @tom.shaddock liked your comment I’m assuming that’s the only way @Scott Baldwin :laughing:

Not ideal but at least something can be added in there!

I actually thought ‘curated content’ was only ‘allowed’ on the home page. Would you give me a hint regarding where to look for it in this section?

Much, much appreciated. 

Found it! But I need this at a category level not sub-category :(


Each category will correspond to a product so we want product specific content on each category/product but I gather this is going to be a problem. 

Yeah, just child categories, not available at category level as I’d noted.

That's a shame. This won't do the trick unfortunately. Thanks for answering though 🙏
