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Just want to share a few problems with DH or CC community from a moderator view.

  1. When I want to remove topic (because it’s spam) I cannot do it directly (as for the posts - just hit the spam button, and BAM! user is immediately banned and his post is not visible). I always have to delete topic manually, click on the user to access his userpage and ban him manually - such a waste of clicks and time.
  2. The next thing - most important one for me at least. When you’ll click on a username (from CP of course) it takes one eternity to load… There is no problem loading topics in multiple tabs, but there is ALWAYS massive problem loading user profile overview. Even when I run loading few user overviews in multiple tabs (to “save” my time) - sometimes I’ll get 503 error.
  3. Also there should be some “SPAM” button insider user overview - to BAN user instantly and remove all his posts and topics (I’ve probably mentioned this in some of my other posts) - but it’ll save time A LOT, because I don’t have to go into each topic separately and search for the spam post, delete it manually etc…
  4. Back to the topics - I’ve seen some strange bug when accessing from Spam section (when you’ll click on the spam topic, it should automatically scroll down to the spam flagged post - and it’s working correctly in most cases). This bug probably occurs on the topics, that were “heavily” moderated (removed few spam posts) - so instead auto scroll back to the spam flagged post - it just show the wrong pagination (like on screenshot below: page 5 of 4, or for eg. page 13 of 11)
  5. Going to a trash can - I see few posts that “stucked in a limbo” - cannot do anything with them, remove or restore. Empty trash can button removes all other posts, but not the listed below.


Thank you for the feedback @Fisz


For items #1 and #3, I have shared this with our product team as this would be a feature enhancement request.

  • (Feature Request) Automate topic removal + ban user (similar to marking posts as spam and user is immediately banned).
  • (Feature Request) “SPAM” button insider user overview - to BAN user instantly and remove all his posts and topics

For items #2 and #4, we recommend reaching out to our Support team so our teams can investigate this further:

  • The next thing - most important one for me at least. When you’ll click on a username (from CP of course) it takes one eternity to load… There is no problem loading topics in multiple tabs, but there is ALWAYS massive problem loading user profile overview. Even when I run loading few user overviews in multiple tabs (to “save” my time) - sometimes I’ll get 503 error.
  • Back to the topics - I’ve seen some strange bug when accessing from Spam section (when you’ll click on the spam topic, it should automatically scroll down to the spam flagged post - and it’s working correctly in most cases). This bug probably occurs on the topics, that were “heavily” moderated (removed few spam posts) - so instead auto scroll back to the spam flagged post - it just show the wrong pagination (like on screenshot below: page 5 of 4, or for eg. page 13 of 11)

Please look out for my follow up email in your inbox! 
