Filtering Users by "is not one of" custom roles only works with users that have 1+ custom role(s)

  • 7 February 2024
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

Here’s something I learned from a support ticket. I thought I encountered a bug, but it’s just a quirk of how the “is not one of” filter works, at least for custom user roles

What happens is that when you use the filter "Is NOT one", it will get all the users that currently have a custom role, meaning any users without any custom role will not be shown. 


So that filter only works on users that have a custom role. Those with zero custom roles are not included. 

That’s not what I assumed about the functionality, nor is it my preferred functionality, but I can see how/why it would work that way. 

If every user has at least 1 custom role, you won’t have this problem. But if not, the utility of the “is not one of” filter comes with this restriction. 

2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +7


I forgot to mention that the filter has caused some problems before. Our Product Team knows about it, and they're working on improving it.

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hey Danny, thank you for sharing this!  I was not aware of this quirk / feature myself either.  Like you say, I can sort of understand the logic of it working in this way, but I also wouldn’t have necessarily expected it.  This is a good one for us to optimise and improve.
