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Hi there


I can see a huge disparity between views on the front end (on the public thread) and the numbers I get when I export a report via the back end. 

Does anybody knows if these views are counted the same way?



Hey @Julian , sorry to mention you so bluntly, but I cannot get my head around the disparity between front end and report views. Cheers.   

Hey, thanks for flagging and bumping this. I actually looked at it on friday but did not have the time to investigate this properly.

Usually there is no difference between the two. The front-end measures every view, unfiltered. So I suspect that there is a scenario where there is an additional filtering before it goes into the export. Probably crawlers or something else which we can relatively easy detect.

I have asked my colleagues to get some clarification to this, I will update you once I know more!

@Gabolino we were able to find out what’s wrong: The export you are refering to was generated during a short period where our platform had issues with the counters - this is what caused the difference in views. As this was fixed quickly, a new export does not have this issue any more - you can find a new report in your export page.

Of course please let me know if you have more questions around this!

Thanks I’ll have a look, Julian. 

Hey all, I just found this thread because I am also seeing a huge discrepancy between the front and back end view counts. Can you help me understand why this is happening?


168 views on front end
320 views on back end


To add on to what @alissa.wilczynski posted, it looks like the number of replies is also miscalculated. Here’s what we see on the front and back end:



Regarding the replies - 12 is the number of actual replies. The 24 is incorrect. 

Bump for @Julian  - maybe a bug?
