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The ‘Get user activities’ endpoint ( suggests that it is possible to retrieve the information for “a single user’s activities”, but there is no documentation about how to query the endpoint with a specific user for whom I wish to retrieve the activity for. Can anyone advise on how to do this?

i’d guess that you would put a userId parameter on the call. But I’m far from an expert on APIs. 

When I’ve had to append parameters previously, it’s usually because the documentation guides me to. 

Hey @KrisGoose 👋,

That’s a great catch! There doesn’t look like there is a parameter that can be added to this endpoint in order to filter to individual users, meaning that you can only get the activities for all users.

I’ve discussed this with our engineering team who will update our documentation but they’ve advised that this sort of data will best be acquired from the data lake once this has been released.

Hi @olimarrio! Sweet, I’m glad this helped to reveal an opportunity for the platform! I’m sure if I’m looking for it others might as well
