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Can I hide topics from the main feed that are created within groups?


if your group is set to private, content from that group will not be included in the recently active topic feed on the homepage for users who are not member of this group.

If your group is set to public, this content will be also included within this feed.

Hope this helps!


I’m just gonna piggy-back on this question (1 year old) as I basically have the same question and wanted to check if anything changed.

Is there any way of hiding all topics from specific public groups from the Recently Active Topic feed?

I guess not, but just wanted to double check.


Use case:

Our Community is in English. We have certain Groups for different countries too (for country-related content). In those groups, we use the local language (Spanish, Dutch, etc.)

Now our Recently Active Topic feed on our homepage has got topics in different languages, although we would like to keep it English-only in order not to confuse the broader audience of the community.

Setting those groups to “Private” is not an option as we want to make sure that everybody sees that content.

So it would be great if I could choose which groups do not get the topics featured on the Recently Active feed. 

Shall I submit this as an idea?

I guess this one would come in pretty close..

