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We have set up a group in our community which we want to be private, i.e. users request to join it, but we only want users with a certain custom role to be able to request to join. Is this possible? If so how?


Alternatively, is it possible to hide the group menu option on the mega menu to just users with a given custom role?


Thank you in advance!


Hi @ellie.jordan.rh 👋,

Technically something like this is possible via Third Party Scripts but I’d advise against this as it may break and users would also still have the ability to access the groups page to request access to these private groups (for instance if they knew they knew the Groups landing page URL), so it may not be as secure as is required.

What I would recommend is to wait for our upcoming Custom Pages functionality to be released. These custom pages would be able to display a Groups widget of selected private groups, whilst also only being accessible to users with the correct role permissions (similar to the existing permissions toggles for Community & Knowledge Base).

