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Hi Community! I have two questions regarding adding/inviting employee’s to the Community.

  1. How are you setting up their roles to indicate they employees but they only have regular register user rights?
  2. If they are setup, how do you make sure they are excluded from the Analytics reporting? 

I currently have a custom role and rank for our employees so that I can assign a logo and build a employee MVP board but it’s excluded from taking up a moderator/admin role. 

Do you have any workarounds for doing this more efficiently? I am responsible for sharing data metrics weekly at this point as our Community is new and trying to make this process easier.

Any thoughts and advise is much appreciated!

@ryanne.perry We make use of custom roles. We have SSO set up so based on their id they are assigned an employee custom role or a type of customer custom role. In analytics, we use the filters to exclude employees. You can also exclude by email and write in the domain for your company.


What road bumps are you running into with the filters? Could you save your view as a Segment so it saves time?
