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Hi everyone!

We’re migrating from our existing community to InSided at the moment, and one of our core requirements was the ability for users to set an alias for themselves instead of using their real name. 

I’ve tried playing around in the profile area but can’t see a way for a user to customise their name. 

How is this done?


Thanks in advance for the help!

Alias sounds aligned to the username in inSided. Or is it something different?

On registration everyone can set that to be what they want and you can capture other variables such as name if you want and choose whether those fields (settings > user profile fields) are included at registration and/or visible to others. 

Thanks @Scott Baldwin - appreciate the response!

I think you’re right. I’m referring to the username displayed to other community members. Is there any way for a user to change this after they’ve been through the registration form?

I’d also be intrigued to know what happens for users logging in via SSO. Do they get an opportunity to set their username too?

There isn’t a way for them to change it themselves. They have to contact someone on your team and make that request. It’s an easy change, but seldom one we have to make as they set it at registration.

Via SSO (across all the variations of that - SAML, Google, OAUTH2, etc.) they also get an opportunity to set the username during registration. 

@Scott Baldwin you’re a rock star, thanks so much for helping me understand this :)

Anytime @Onomatopoeia 
