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I’m currently building out out Community’s knowledge base, and it’s one of those tasks where all the content needs to go live at the same time (because it all links to each other).

The problem with this, though, is that I will absolutely decimate the recently ‘active’ feed with 30-odd articles when I’m ready to go live, which I really want to avoid as it’s disrespectful of the content and questions from actual members that deserve the exposure more than my housekeeping.

Is there any way to prevent articles from appearing in the recent feed when published?

@Onomatopoeia does not look like it sadly, but you can upvote the idea! 


Hi, @Onomatopoeia. Here are two tricks I’ve used. They’re versions on the same approach, depending on if it’s a net-new category or existing category. 

  1. Publish them into a category that has Category Visibility permissions togged off for most user roles. 
  2. Wait a day or two, then toggled the permissions on for the user roles that should see it. 

If it’s a net-new category, then you can just keep the visibility off until you’re ready and launch the whole category. 

If the content needs to be added to an existing category, I recommend the same approach modified this way: 

  1. Create a temporary category with visibility set to only Admins and publish everything in there. 
  2. Wait a day or two, then move the topics to the correct category. 
  3. Delete the temporary category if you want

From my experience, topics keep their original time stamp when moved. So if you wait a day or two, these will technically still be in the recent activity feed, but they’ll be buried down and not decimate the feed and hide other activity. 

The only downside to this approach is that you’ll lose an email notifications from the category for those who subscribe to new topics in it. But guessing from your comments about overwhelming the feed, I’d assume you don’t want to be sending out 30 email notifications either. 

Ahhhhhh of course @DannyPancratz! That might just do it. Thank you so much :)

Learn stuff everyday!!! Thanks @DannyPancratz !
