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We’ve just implemented SSO in our community and we want to customize the button that came with it, but we can’t seem to find it in Phrases—any suggestions?


Hi @MackenzieK,

Editing the SSO login page is a hidden phrase that must be manually changed via control. Have you read this article yet? 

For an example of editing hidden phrase, you can read this article too; however the example is for error pages, not SSO. I think the article may be helpful to show the process of entering hidden phrases into control. The article has more photos and descriptions. 

Please let me know if this answers your question. If not, we can dive a little deeper. :)

This is so helpful, thank you!


May I ask — why hide any phrase? Or, at least, why not make “view all hidden phrases” an option in Control? Just a thought :)


Love the platform so far & am so grateful for your speedy reply!

You’re welcome! The product team may be able to provide some logic behind hidden phrases, and I’m sure they would appreciate the feedback! @daniel.boon @Marion Frecaut 

This is so helpful, thank you!


May I ask — why hide any phrase? Or, at least, why not make “view all hidden phrases” an option in Control? Just a thought :)

This seems like a great idea - or at least comb through them and start unhiding some. I’m sure everyone wants to customize the SSO button text!

This is the code you need to change the “Login with Token” text. 

In phrases, add a phrase:



Add your text to the ‘singular’ section. 
