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One of our community members has started a Linkedin group that’s somewhat redundant with our community. Some elements I’m not worried about, I’ve seen plenty of Linkedin groups that don’t negatively impact communities. 

However, this part of his justification is a bit troubling to me: 

The group will also serve as a medium to link community questions which the users want quickly answered because many of us have LinkedIn on our smartphone but do not have access to community on the go.


For those who don’t want to subscribe to email notifications, but want to stay up-to-date on the latest from community, do you have any solutions that you’ve found?

A mobile app was not a priority when picking Insided for the two communities I’ve used it on; responsive design and moble-friendly pages seems to work fine. But notifications are one element that’s lacking for both the desktop and mobile experience. Given some of the comments in the latest roadmap update, I’m curious as to whether we’ll see things evolve in that direction on the road map. 

Hmm… That’s a rather… Tricky situation you’ve got there!

I think I’m going to have to throw a disclaimer on this one. I’m only a user myself and can’t provide any legal advice, so if you needed that you’re probably better off asking a lawyer rather than a Blastoise!

The first thing I’d say is that you’re probably going to have to treat that group as unofficial and make it clear you and your moderators cannot and will not provide moderation assistance to any unofficial community groups or anything that leaves your forum. It’s worth getting that in place so that people can’t come running to you if that LinkedIn group descends into chaos and the members of it try to call on you. I’ve seen way too many communities get burned by this issue when they didn’t have such a rule in place. Ideally, you want to make sure the boundaries are clearly defined to prevent that.

At the moment, probably one of the possible alternatives would be to utilise the RSS Feeds that inSided offers, and throw those into some kind of RSS Reader. I found a question from a while ago that might help with this.

As a user, you could obviously use any RSS Reader of your choosing, or run it through something like IFTTT to customise what behaviour you want to happen in response to something new happens. Perhaps even do silly things like make your smart lights turn purple and slow flash for five seconds when a new topic gets posted for example. Or I suppose, just use their app to trigger notifications when the RSS Feed pings something out? Zapier wouldn’t really work for this unfortunately, as it’s not designed for use by individual users.

It’s probably not a perfect solution by any means, but it’s the best workaround I can think of right now. I’ll let you know if I can think of anything else.

Thanks, @Blastoise186. Exploring the RSS option and enabling users to setup their own alerts is on my list to explore. 
