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Hi there!


As the question mentions, I’m wondering how do Communities and Blogs usually work together! :handshake:

From my experience, the blog, accessible through the company’s website is accessible to all users, but is mainly created for prospects. It’s main aspect is inspirational and has a clear objective with call-to-actions for prospects (filling in a form, asking for a demo, downloading a report..).

A community as I envision it, on the other hand is a content portal, only accessible to customer users with P2P content, answers to questions, use-cases, events, support, etc. 

I’ve only experienced managing closed communities (only available for customers) and I’m wondering what are the best practices for opening communities to the public or at least having a part of the community opened to non-customers.

What are the goals of an open community vs. the goals of a website blog?

What are the positive/negative aspects of having both?

Would love to hear from all of your experiences,

Thanks! :hugging:

Hi John - Ours are fully separate. Like you mentioned above, our blog exists on our corporate website and exists mostly for prospects (white papers, etc). We did use the blog to announce the launch of the community. 

Our community and main forum is open to the public, but our knowledge base, product release notes, and ideas are restricted to customers/partners/employees.

We have the main forum fully open to the internet for viewing - because we want prospects, analysts, etc to be able to see our active community and the type of help you can expect there. 

There’s value to our blog and our community - but they currently don’t play together. 
