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Question is probably self-explanatory.


I have an automatic email campaign currently active, and I would like to edit it (e.g. to improve the wording, or change the subject line, or whatever). Is it possible to edit it at any point, or do I necessarily need to archive it, duplicate it and edit the duplicate?

Just making sure I do things right!

One more question: is it possible to edit the name of the email campaign after it’s been activated? (I mean the internal name, not the subject line)

Hi @Daniele Cmty, thanks for reaching out! We’re currently working on a Complete button, so that you can complete a campaign without having to archive it. As for editing an automated campaign, that’s currently not supported. For that, you’d have to complete/archive the current one, duplicate it and make the changes. That also allows you to better compare the v1 and v2 of the campaigns in terms of metrics (eg. learn if v2 has a better open rate, or click-through rate). 

As for changing the name, I’ll include that in the work for being able to Complete a campaign. Thanks for that.

Hi Seb thank you for the super quick reply!

Makes sense to me.


That also allows you to better compare the v1 and v2 of the campaigns in terms of metrics (eg. learn if v2 has a better open rate, or click-through rate). 


Absolutely! That’s what I was thinking too! 

To track the overall score of one “type” of campaigns (so regardless of different versions/editions/edits) then I will combine the scores on a spreadsheet in different rows underneath each other and calculate the average (while being able to see how they compare, at a glance)

That sounds like a good workaround for now @Daniele Cmty. If we receive more signals that this becomes too much of a chore, we can always consider versioning in automated Email Campaigns but we don’t have enough data points to support that yet.  
