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Hi everyone - I did a search but couldn’t find an answer. I am trying to find out how we get the number of views on all topics for a time period. I know I can export topics for a time period and see views on the topics created for that time period but how do I see views for all topics? I have also looked at the Self Service dashboard. It shows the ‘unique visitors who viewed help content’ but does that count if they view just one piece of content or multiple? Another words, if a unique visitor viewed 2 different articles, will it be counted as 1 or 2? Thank you!

Hi @Chris Hackett 

A very valid question. Unfortunately right now we do not present the page views per time period, but only a total view count attached to the piece of content.

If you have google analytics enabled on your community, you can look at the Pages and screens section of the Reports.

This will let you see what you are looking for. Unfortunately I do not have an internal tool to help thus far.


Regarding the Self Service Dashboard; the unique visitor viewing multiple pages will count as 1.


I hope that helps.


FYI @Aleksandra and @Sebastian .

@Chris Hackett 

While doing my own reporting I actually stand corrected. 😊

If you look at the content dashboard in Analytics, you can see the Popular Topics table. This is the topics that were viewed within the time period selected.


Exporting from the raw data export (top right corner) you can confirm the actions per topic title in a pivot table.

FYI - Community_visited = viewed

Sorry for the confusion before.

Thank you @Alistair FIeld - unfortunately I don’t see any option to export on my screen🙁
